Sometimes it is just helpful to have a conversation. To figure out which direction to take with your healing journey. You may have already consulted too many providers, or just want to make sure this is the right approach for you. So, we offer a free exploratory chat just to make sure we are offering you the right services. Email Dr Thomas with a short email about your specific healing needs. If she feels you can benefit from her approach she will set up a free 15 minute exploratory call. This call will help you decide whether an integrative approach is one that would suit your healing journey, and will help you decide where to start.
Please send Dr Thomas a short email, describing briefly what your healing goals are and what your current difficulties are. Please also share what you would like assistance with. Dr Thomas will then contact you via email to set up an exploratory Zoom or Phone call to discuss your needs, and guide you around the best options according to your needs and budget
SUBJECT: Exploratory Call
Alternatively, send a short Whatsapp message to +44 7762 114 180