For anyone with chronic illness, long covid or those wanting to optimise your health and fitness -the OligoScan is an advanced technology that uses spectrophotometry to test the levels of Vitamins, Minerals and heavy metals within your cells. This is incredibly useful for anyone wanting a baseline of information to guide their health journey. The beauty of OligoScan is that the results are available almost instantaneously, and no blood, urine or hair is required. Simply, the device measures the levels using light technology by scanning 4 points on your non-dominant hand. So no pain, no fuss, and accurate results within minutes.

  • Category: All therapies
  • Service Duration: 20 Minutes
  • Address: The Equilibrium Natural Health Centre, Leafield Way, Corsham, UK (Map)
  • More Info: The OligoScan is a portable device, meaning that the service can be offered at various clinics in Wiltshire. Email to get a list of clinics where the test is offered. It is also possible to provide the Scan at your Osteopath, Nutritionist or Health provider offices. Currently, OligoScan is being offered on Thursdays at Beaumont Clinic in Chippenham
  • Price:£110




The OligoScan device is placed on the hand at 4 different points, and it transmits light signals into the tissue.  

The signal then measures the optical density of the various vitamins, minerals and elements in the cells and tissue, in real time. 

This painless non-invasive method is completed in a few minutes, and the results are sent via an international server to your email in a PDF format.


You will get a report with levels of Minerals, Vitamins, Metals as well as an indication of Oxidative Stress and any imbalances between the key trace elements

21 Minerals : Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Silicon, Sodium, Potassium, Copper, Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Chromium, Vanadium, Boron, Cobalt, Molybdenum, Iodine, Lithium, Germanium, Selenium, Sulphur, Fluor

7 Vitamins : Vit A, Vit B6, Vit B9 (folic acid), Vit B12,Vit C, Vit D, Vit E

15 Toxic Metals: Aluminium, Antimony, Silver, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Bismuth, Cadmium, Mercury, Nickel, Platinum, Lead, Thallium, Thorium, Gadolinium


Once you have completed the test, a copy will be sent to your email as a PDF document. You can then share it with your Doctor, Dentist, Osteopath or health provider, who can guide you around the interpretation and treatment plan.

Alternatively, you can book a consultation with Dr. Thomas, who is trained to interpret the results, and who will provide you with a written report with recommendations based on the results. 

If you would like to do this, please choose the OLIGOSCAN PLUS INTEGRATIVE CONSULTATION OPTION. 

The post result consultation can be provided in-person or online

If you have any more questions about the OligoScan, please read