You already know that we hold tension in our muscles. But we can also hold emotions and traumatic memories in our bodies. Releasing these can heal our pain, restriction and illness and bring us joy. It can also help us move out of our Flight/ Flight and triggered state, into a state that is more calm and present. If you would like to release tension or trauma in a very natural and gentle way, then read more about TRE and join one of our free introductory sessions, or book an one-on-one session with one of our 3 TRE providers
TRE is an amazing way to release tension and trauma which is held in the body.
Groundbreaking research by Dr Porges and Dr David Bercelli have shown us that the memories and tensions in our bodies can be released naturally by stimulating our Vagal nerve in different ways.
TRE is one of these ways. Using a series of exercises, you will learn how your body can naturally use your inbuilt tremoring mechanism to release trauma and tension, and bring you into a place of rest and recovery.
For more information about TRE, have a look at to read about its history and the amazing ways that it can reshape our responses to chronic and acute stress.
If you are new to TRE, you can access a FREE once off group information session where I will show you the basics and you can ask all your questions. We can do this online or in person.
ONE ON ONE SESSIONS Individual sessions can be held in person in Corsham, Swindon, Chippenham, Bath (UK), or online. This is great if you have never done TRE before and need some time to get the hang of it, or if you have some complex needs that are best suited to individual work.
GROUP SESSIONS TRE in a groups is an amazing and affordable way to release your tensions and meet other supportive like minded people. I usually schedule 6 sessions for a Group, depending on interest. Again, this can be done online or in person.
If you can gather a group of 6 people, then this is a great and affordable way of getting into TRE.
1. For one on one sessions (in person or Zoom)
We recommend a 90 minute first session, followed by 4-6 follow up sessions of around an hour.
65 GBP per session- suggested 6 sessions over 6-10 weeks.
2. Group sessions
Group prices: 15 GBP if there is a group of at least 6 people.
Drop in session: 15 per class
Once a week: 48 per month
Twice a week: 80 per month
To enquire about TRE: